Monday 28 November 2016

Secret Santa

This year the students and I will be participating in Secret Santa exchange in our afternoon classroom. Christmas is a time for family and I feel like our unit of 23 students and a teacher is a family!! We laugh together and spend many moments discussing interesting topics just like we all do with our families at home.

We have already chosen names and I have explained to the students that there is no need to purchase a gift. The gift can be a nice gesture (ex: carry school bag for a day) or a handmade gift (ex: baking, homemade ornament, etc). If your child does decide to purchase a gift, a $10-$15 maximum amount was discussed in our class.

Gifts will be exchanged on Wednesday, December 7th in the afternoon. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me thru your child's agenda.


        Mme Caminiti :)

Monday 14 November 2016

Grade 6 Pinhey Sand Dunes Presentation - Biodiversity Conservancy- Wednesday the 16th

This Wednesday afternoon, the Grade 6 classes will all be receiving a presentation by the Biodiversity Conservancy International, by members of the Pinhey Sand Dunes restoration project. This presentation will include a portion highlighting the uniqueness of the Ottawa Sand Dunes, and the crucial role of insects in maintaining the biodiversity and health of this habitat. The second portion will be a hands-on exhibition (if the student so chooses) where students will get the chance to see and interact with live reptiles! We are very much looking forward to this rich learning opportunity and all of the valuable links that we will be able to make with our Science unit on Biodiversity.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Quiz next week

There will be a French quiz next week on Thursday, November 17th, 2016. This quiz will focus on nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. There is a review on Workspace that can be found on the Student Portal that the students can access right away. 

If there are any concerns, students can come and see me for extra help before the quiz! 

Happy studying!! :)