Wednesday 21 December 2016

Santa Tracker - Sur les traces du père Noël

A great website with many games and activities for Christmas is Google's Santa Tracker. It is available in French as well and I encourage my students to go on it when they can!

Sur les traces du père Noël

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Attendance E-mail

Please be advised that there was a technical difficulty with attendance and all parents were sent an email saying their child was absent from school today. 

It is safe to assume that if you sent your child to school they are here. We are trying to resolve this problem.

Thanks for your patience and cooperation!! 

Monday 28 November 2016

Secret Santa

This year the students and I will be participating in Secret Santa exchange in our afternoon classroom. Christmas is a time for family and I feel like our unit of 23 students and a teacher is a family!! We laugh together and spend many moments discussing interesting topics just like we all do with our families at home.

We have already chosen names and I have explained to the students that there is no need to purchase a gift. The gift can be a nice gesture (ex: carry school bag for a day) or a handmade gift (ex: baking, homemade ornament, etc). If your child does decide to purchase a gift, a $10-$15 maximum amount was discussed in our class.

Gifts will be exchanged on Wednesday, December 7th in the afternoon. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me thru your child's agenda.


        Mme Caminiti :)

Monday 14 November 2016

Grade 6 Pinhey Sand Dunes Presentation - Biodiversity Conservancy- Wednesday the 16th

This Wednesday afternoon, the Grade 6 classes will all be receiving a presentation by the Biodiversity Conservancy International, by members of the Pinhey Sand Dunes restoration project. This presentation will include a portion highlighting the uniqueness of the Ottawa Sand Dunes, and the crucial role of insects in maintaining the biodiversity and health of this habitat. The second portion will be a hands-on exhibition (if the student so chooses) where students will get the chance to see and interact with live reptiles! We are very much looking forward to this rich learning opportunity and all of the valuable links that we will be able to make with our Science unit on Biodiversity.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Quiz next week

There will be a French quiz next week on Thursday, November 17th, 2016. This quiz will focus on nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. There is a review on Workspace that can be found on the Student Portal that the students can access right away. 

If there are any concerns, students can come and see me for extra help before the quiz! 

Happy studying!! :)

Friday 28 October 2016


SPIRIT WEEK at St. Anne next week!! See below for details. All money collected goes to the United Way campaign!

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Field Trip to Gatineau Park

6e Immersion

The Grade 6 students are very lucky to have the opportunity to go on a hike to Gatineau Park this week as a part of our Biodiversity Science Unit!! Please have permission forms, as well as the medical form, filled in and returned to your child's afternoon teacher as soon as possible! Mr. Pouliot's afternoon class will be going on September 29th. Mme Caminiti and Mme Garvey's classes will be going on September 30th.

Image result for gatineau park

Sunday 25 September 2016

Last week of September

6e Immersion

A reminder that homework is handed out every Monday and is due the following Monday. 

This past week we started with Reading Buddies with a Kindergarten class!! Every week the Grade 6 students will either read or do a French activity with one or two Kindergarten students. We will be working with Mme Helgason and her students in either Room 170 or Room 155. We will alternate each week as Mme Helgason moves from class to class. Mme Helgason and I are really excited to be working together again along with the ECE's, Mrs. Meredith and Ms. Tsang.

Monday 19 September 2016

Journal de lecture - 6e Immersion

Homework has begun for this school year. The Journal de lecture is designed to have students reading at home and responding to questions or writing about what they've read. Please read the instructions with your child and complete the reading log in their homework duotangs.

They will also have an online component to this and that can be found in the Journal de lecture tab on my website. Students will be required to use Google Drive to complete this component.

All homework will be handed out on Monday and due the following Monday unless different instructions are given (holidays, PD Days, etc.)

Friday 16 September 2016

Deuxième semaine

Well two weeks of school have passed and it seems like all of my classes are settling in nicely. For those of you that stopped by last night at the Welcome Back BBQ it was great meeting you and I hope I answered any questions that you had. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact me!

Grade 6 Immersion:

For those who have not yet filled out the Parent Survey here is the link: This is a voluntary survey but it will give me a better understanding of your child and their learning. Also, even if you are not a French speaker we would still love to have any parents visit our classroom to share with our students about a hobby, profession, or passion that we can link creatively to the curriculum to provide a rich learning experience! Any information that can help our students would be greatly appreciated!!

Tuesday 6 September 2016

First Day!

It was an exciting and busy first day back! 

This year, our Grade 6 classroom will sometimes look a bit different, as we are taking advantage of the collapsible wall between rooms 103 and 104! There will some integration of co-teaching this year, between myself and Mme Garvey. This will give the students both an opportunity to collaborate and learn together, as well as receive more small-group instruction and assessment to better meet their unique needs! If you have anymore questions about co-teaching, please feel free to contact me.

Also, we are asking the parents of the Grade 6 Immersion students to fill out a short survey in order to hear from the members of our extended class communities, which is you! Parents/Guardians have very important insight into their child's learning. The more information we have, the better we can support all of our students. Here is the link to the survey:

Saturday 3 September 2016

Welcome Back!! Bienvenue!!

I am so excited to be back at St. Anne this year!! I will be teaching Grade 4 Extended, Grade 5 Extended and Grade 6 Immersion. I cannot wait to see all of my new friends and some familiar faces!! 

A big focus across all grade levels in French as a Second Language is speaking. We will be speaking a lot in class and I encourage students to keep practicing outside of the classroom. We will also be writing, listening, and reading throughout the year!

This year in Grade 4 Social Studies, students will be focusing on Early Societies and Political and Physical Regions of Canada. We will be integrating the Arts into Social Studies and French as a Second Language.

This year in Grade 5 Social Studies, students will be focusing on First Nations and Europeans in New France and Early Canada and The Role of Government and Responsible CitizenshipWe will be integrating the Arts into Social Studies and French as a Second Language including Drama and Dance. 

This year in Grade 6 Science, students are going to be focusing on Biodiversity, Electricity, Flight and Space. In Social Studies we will be focusing on the Interactions with the Global Community and Communities in Canada, Past and Present. We will be integrating the Arts into all subjects including Visual ArtsDanceMusic and Drama

Can't wait to see what the first few days has in store for us!! 

Mme Caminiti :)